We believe in a “third way” for investment professions that differs from the Anglo-Saxon model of investment funds and from the “wealth” capitalism model of unearned income.

Rational investment

Companies are having to perform new balancing acts: between shareholders and leaders, between financial performance timelines and the reality of projects, between financial value and social responsibility.

We aim to co-construct a future with companies that play an important role in the economy and include environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in their strategies. We can also finance projects relating to French sovereignty, social impact, innovation, and reindustrialisation. Our proprietary methodology for tracking ESG criteria allows us to bring our vision to life.

By prioritising balanced financial models, respecting the timelines of each project, and ensuring a fair redistribution of value, we believe in a form of finance oriented towards the common good.


We support optimists and bold thinkers, people who envision a prosperous and sustainable future, no matter the size, sector, or projects of their companies.

To help new ideas emerge, we are committed to spreading a culture of innovation. For the companies we invest in, we give them access to our open innovation platform, which opens up for them an ecosystem of thousands of start-ups, incubators, and research centres, thus helping them accelerate their transformations and digitalisation, and helping them disrupt their markets.

Our subsidiary Crédit Mutuel Innovation provides invaluable expertise to boards of directors and for the structuring of rounds of fundraising, particularly for companies with a strong technology component or in the health sector.

Business intelligence

Attention and trust are at the heart of our mutual-company model. Knowledge starts with the special attention we pay to each business leader and their projects.

Those relationships are paired with intensive efforts to develop information and intelligence. Our teams work every day to hone their understanding of the world and of factors transforming economies (issues relating to the climate, sovereignty, etc.). We facilitate a true business intelligence network made up of experts from our company and from our community of over 500 business leaders, as well as numerous external partners (researchers, economists, etc.).

Who are we?

By investing our own capital for the long term, we help business leaders create both financial and extra-financial value.

As a subsidiary of Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale, France’s largest “mission-driven” bank, we believe that entrepreneurs need time to realise their visions.

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